McSally Holds Veterans Telephone Town Hall


Date: Aug. 31, 2020

U.S. SENATE -- U.S. Senator Martha McSally (R-AZ) provided Arizona veterans and their families with an update on her work to improve veterans' care and answered questions during her sixteenth telephone town hall this year.

During the hour-long call, McSally shared about the recent signing of her bill to expand veteran treatment courts across the nation and her efforts to expand access to non-traditional treatment options for veterans suffering with PTSD.

She answered questions about the availability of the GI bill and others veterans' benefits, and shared about how her office can assist veterans experiencing issues with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

"As a nation, we have a covenant to protect and care for our veterans," McSally said. "This has been an incredibly challenging year, so it was good to hear from my fellow veterans this afternoon and answer their questions about the resources available to them. If you are a veteran or know an Arizona veteran in need of assistance, please contact my office at (602) 952-2410."

Download audio of the call here.

During the call, McSally asked participants to respond to a poll question about if they had experienced issues with the VA.


Have you ever had issues with your care at the VA? 51 percent of those polled said yes.


17,108 Arizonans participated in the event.
144 Arizonans spoke to a member of Sen. McSally's team.
16 people spoke live on the call with Sen. McSally.
