CNN "Newsroom" - Transcript Interview with Joe Biden


Date: Aug. 27, 2020
Issues: Elections


COOPER: Joining me now, former vice president, Joe Biden.

Mr. Vice President, thanks for being with us. Conservatives have been attacking you for taking three days to denounce violence erupting in these protests. What do you say to that had?

JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Well, first of all I denounced it a long time ago. I denounced it weeks ago. And I've made it clear from the beginning that there's no justification whatsoever for violence, looting. Matter of fact it just flies in the face of the legitimate protests that are going on and takes away from the whole rational for what's happening here. So I've condemned the violence in the very beginning. They're just flat wrong.

COOPER: The vice president echoed the president last night by telling Americans that they would not be safe in Joe Biden's America.


BIDEN: Well, you know, look, if you think about it, Donald Trump saying you're not going to be safe in Joe Biden's America. All the video being played is being played in Donald Trump's America. You know, Kellyanne Conway came out and was very, very blunt about it today. I think I have a quote here. She said, "The more chaos and anarchy and vandalism the more violence equals a better the choice for," excuse me. Better for a very clear choice.

These guys are rooting for violence. That's what this is all about. To prove that you should be scared of Joe Biden, they're pointing to what's happening at Donald Trump's America?

You know, I've made it clear from the beginning that there's no place for violence or looting or burning. And when I spoke with Jacob Blake's mother, Julia, you guys played her on the air. She said that's not who we are. That's not who our family is. That's not who Jacob is. Don't do it. And so, you know, he continues to root for violence. It's -- you know, the country will be substantially safer when he is no longer in office. And --


BIDEN: You know, I'm going to work to calm the tensions and root out systemic racism. I'm going to lead.

COOPER: You think he's actually rooting for violence, that he wants violence because --

BIDEN: Absolutely.

COOPER: -- it allows him to claim a law and order mantle?

BIDEN: Sure. And because it takes everybody's eye off the ball. Want to talk about safety? Look at the biggest safety issue in the nation, COVID. You know, just yesterday we had 1,249 deaths. Over the seven- day period, we've averaged a thousand death a day. Now that is more than the five largest countries in Europe, a combined population -- we are -- a combined population bigger than us. You know how many they've had? 77 deaths a day.

He has been incompetent in the way in which he's dealt with this. And not only that, you know, he talks about taking away -- still in court trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. Going to take 100 million people with preexisting conditions and move them in a direction where they can't get coverage? Going to coverage are going to be lost soon. And on top of that, I got another quote that I found today, that was pointed out to me.

It says, August 12th. This is what he said. And the payroll tax, talking about funding Social Security. The payroll tax. Will be terminating the pay roll tax. The fact of the matter is the actuary for Social Security said if you do that, Social Security will be bankrupt. Not have any money after 2023.

We lost 15 million jobs. You're in a position where you have 15 million people needing Social Security -- I mean, excuse me, needing unemployment insurance, and instead of sitting down with the Congress and working something out, he's in one of his golf course sand traps, trying to get out of a sand trap. Get us out of this mess, Mr. President.

COOPER: You talked about COVID-19, the CDC just the other day, with virtually no announcement of it, they just changed on their Web site, changed the guidelines for who should actually get tested, moving away from actually testing people who are asymptomatic. Sources say it was pressured by the Trump administration from the top. Is that change -- I mean, every doctor I've talked to says that isn't supported by science.

BIDEN: It's not supported by -- every doctor I talk to. I speak with these -- with the medical professionals, on average, three times a week for an hour and 20 mins. Nobody I know of out there, the consensus among the serious scientists is that is absolutely a foolish thing to say and do.


It's absolutely ridiculous. He had -- look, this is a guy talking about pray to God we'll have a vaccine. I'd love that vaccine tomorrow. But look at all the confidence people are losing in anything he has to say, going from inject bleach all the way to, you know, but we don't need this testing, we don't have to test people, and people -- I mean, it's just absolutely bizarre. He needs to be responsible.

COOPER: The president has not talked about the shooting of Mr. Blake. He's talked about violence at -- protests in the wake of it. I'm wondering why you think that is that he hasn't actually addressed it? There's obviously a lot we don't know about the circumstances around it but the video obviously has been out there.

BIDEN: Well, look. I don't know enough to know whether that 17-year- old kid exactly what he did, but allegedly he's part of a militia coming out of the state of Illinois. Have you ever heard this president say one negative thing about white supremacists? Have you ever heard it? That's the reason I got back in this race because of what happened in Charlottesville. People coming out of the woods carrying torches, their veins bulging.

Close your eyes and remember what you saw. And a young woman gets killed, resisting the hate and violence? And the president gets asked to comment on it, what's he say? He says there are very fine people on both sides. What do you mean? Can't have David Duke, for God's sake. A former grand Kleagle. I think this is -- this is a guy who has -- using division and hate is the only way he stays in office. That's what it's all about, dividing, and this idea he doesn't --

(CROSSTALK) COOPER: What do you say --

BIDEN: Go ahead. Sorry.

COOPER: I'm sorry. We have a satellite problem. What's your take on the Republican convention so far?

BIDEN: Well, I thought it was --


BIDEN: A great line that the vice president had last night. We're going to make America great again, again.


BIDEN: I mean, look. I mean, look where the economy is. Look where the health circumstances, look where COVID is. Look where you are internationally. We are internationally. When we left office we were one of the most respected nations in the world. We led not only by the example of our power but the power of our example. Now we rank just a click above Russia and a click below China? I think we're 87 or -- I can't remember the exact number, but, I mean, it is ridiculous.

I said when I announced, the next president is going to have to do two things. Unite the country and deal with a world out of order. And we have to do both those things, and the idea, the things he's saying and doing, his embrace of dictators, the way he throws his arms around Putin, the way he talks about Xi Jinping and how he talked about how they're being so transparent.

I mean, I just -- I don't -- quite frankly, he confused me. I don't understand -- maybe he just doesn't understand. Maybe it's not deliberate. Maybe he just doesn't know enough.

COOPER: We heard --

BIDEN: I don't know. Whatever it is -- sorry.

COOPER: Well, you heard last night at the RNC from the McCloskeys, the couple who are facing charges for pointing guns at peaceful protesters. They were portrayed essentially as heroes. Is that how you see them?

BIDEN: No, I don't see them that way at all. And by the way, talk about middle class neighborhoods? They looked like they were living in a, you know, multimillion-dollar mansion for God's sake. And the fact that they're pointing at pro-protesters that weren't going after them. No evidence of that. Look, this is -- we've got to calm this whole situation down. We've got to move in a different -- the American people aren't buying this.

You have over 50 -- excuse me, 70-some percent of the American people saying there is systemic racism. We have a chance to change it without doing anything but helping people. Black, white, Asian, Hispanic. Doesn't matter. The country is ready, but the only way he can win, and he and Pence can win, I mean, can you imagine? I'm getting attacked on my religion by Donald Trump. When's the last time he darkened the doorway of a church? Come on. This is --

COOPER: We've seen athletes just in the last couple of days stepping back from actually playing any games. The president just called the NBA a political organization, the White House, Pence advisers today dismissed the protests as silly. Jared Kushner weighed in on their salaries and they can afford to take the night off. What do you make of what we're seeing at the NBA and the WNBA and Major League Baseball?


BIDEN: People -- what Trump knows but won't acknowledge is a lot of these men and women have had brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, who have been victimized just because of their color. Just because of their color. These aren't people who, in fact, are out there just trying to -- they don't need any more attention. They are sick and tired. They're sick and tired. The Bucks' coach, did you see him? Maybe you had him -- I was watching on your station, on your show. Standing there almost crying saying, we love America so much. Why don't they love us?

I'm paraphrasing it. The vast majority of the American people are ready to deal with systemic racism. And all this administration does is keep pouring gasoline on the fire. They don't have a dog whistle. He uses a bullhorn. It's all about division. America's always been about addition. Addition. We can deal with these problems. Make the world better for -- the country better for all of us. Everyone. Everybody. We really can. The country's ready.

COOPER: Speaker Pelosi said today that you shouldn't debate Trump. I just want to play what she said for our viewers and have you respond.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): I, myself, just, don't tell anybody I told you this, especially don't tell Joe Biden. I don't think that there should be any debates. I do not think that the president of the United States has comported himself in a way that anybody -- has any association with the truth, evidence, data and facts. I wouldn't -- I wouldn't legitimize a conversation with him nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States.


COOPER: Mr. Vice president, what do you think?

BIDEN: I understand Nancy's point of view. Some of our leading columnists in the country who are mainstream leaders have indicated I shouldn't debate. Not to me but in the press. I shouldn't debate unless there's a fact checker, et cetera.

Look, I'm used to dealing with bullies. I understand how they work and I'm going by the rules of the debate commission. Play it by the rules and we're going to have a debate. And I'm confident that the vast majority of the press will point out when there are just gross lies. I will mention it as well, and I'm happy to run on the record I had as a senator and as a vice president, as well as be happy to challenge his position. But I don't expect much truth to come out of that obvious podium.

COOPER: Traditionally there are three presidential debates run by the Commission on Presidential Debates. Is that what you expect, three?

BIDEN: Yes. That's what I'm expecting. The first one is each of us at a podium. The second one I guess is more of a town hall setting, like the kinds I've done with you, as I understand it. I'm not positive of that. And there's a third one as well.

COOPER: Mr. Vice President, appreciate your time. Thank you.

BIDEN: Appreciate your time. Thank you very much for having me.

COOPER: I want to bring in our Jeff Zeleny.

Jeff, you heard the vice president there. What's your takeaway?

JEFF ZELENY, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, look, I think that Joe Biden is clearly trying to get back into the conversation this week. He's been taking a couple days off, but I'm told very much watching this Republican convention, watching these attacks on him, watching this attempted rebranding of him as part of the, quote, "radical left," and also watching the Trump administration and the Vice President Mike Pence trying to rebrand themselves. So that's why he is getting out there today to kind of respond to some of these things.

But look, I mean, there is one question, Anderson, when you talk to Democrats who are also watching all of this. They wonder if the Biden campaign and they wonder if Democrats writ large are taking President Trump seriously enough. They wonder, just given all the unrest in the country, all the crises, are they taking his campaign seriously enough?

This is a sign that Joe Biden is doing that. They only have to look to the election four years ago with Hillary Clinton who also was leading by big margins at this point four years ago on this exact day. So I think there is a sense that he is taking this seriously.

He's been around racial justice issues for a long time in his life. He has seen this change throughout the course of his public life here so he is I think very attuned to this, and it was, you know, certainly interesting to both he and Senator Kamala Harris who made phone calls to the family in Wisconsin, and are you know, certainly much more engaged on this than the president. But there is no question that they know that some of these attacks and branding will likely work among some people this week in the country. So that's why he is out there, of course, speaking out at this point, Anderson.

COOPER: Jeff Zeleny. Jeff, thanks very much.

