Aderholt Statement on the Commitment to America


Date: Sept. 15, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Robert Aderholt (AL-04) released the following statement in regard to the Commitment to America, a plan put forth by House Republicans to lead us through the remainder of 2020.

"The future of our country will be determined in the next few months. Make no mistake about it, what we do right now will have a ripple effect for many years to come. That's why I fully support and endorse the Commitment to America, because the clear path toward a bright future is paved with a restoration of our way of life, the rebuilding of the greatest economy in history, and a renewal of the American Dream."

"First and foremost, we need to restore our way of life. We are well on the way to defeating the virus and deploying a vaccine. This also means we need to stop the rioting, defend the police, and help people feel safe again. Second, we must restore what was once the greatest economy the world has ever seen. We will support local businesses and spur activities to create new jobs. And it's time for us to bring manufacturing back to America and hold China accountable for their unfair trade practices, their theft of intellectual property, and their crackdown on human rights. Finally, we must renew the American Dream and ensure it returns to the pedestal it belongs on. This starts by giving every family a choice in where to send their kids to school, taking care of and hiring our veterans, and promoting opportunities for workforce development."

"This Commitment to America is the right path to take as a country, and I would encourage my colleagues across the aisle to work with us as we enter the final stretch of 2020. Restoring, rebuilding, and renewing our country is critically important right now, so let's get to work."
