Governor's COVID-19 Equity Response Team Issues Report and Recommendations


Date: July 22, 2020
Location: Concord, NH

Today, Governor Chris Sununu released the Governor's COVID-19 Equity Response Team's report and recommendations. The report offers immediate, short-term, and long-term recommendations.

"I would like to thank the Equity Response Team for their hard work," said Governor Chris Sununu. "While our office continues to review their report, we have identified numerous recommendations that are currently either underway or that can prompt immediate action from the state. We will continue to work with members of the Equity Response Team as well as the Governor's Council on Diversity and Inclusion to identify additional action items."

Among the recommendations in the report that are currently underway, or are achievableand can be implemented in some manner in the near future, are:

-Robust disparity data dashboards
-Increase community testing
-Assure testing sites have written protocols for community outreach and demographic identifier data
-Conduct Equity Review Analyses
-Assure healthy food access
-Create communication Chanels to hear community voices
-Deploy COVID-19 Response Community Health Workers
-Provide isolation and quarantine housing support
