Wyden Statement on Treasury Department's Carried Interest Regulations


Date: July 31, 2020

Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member Ron Wyden, D-Ore., today released the following statement on the Treasury Department's regulations on carried interest:

"Donald Trump vowed to end the carried interest loophole, saying hedge funds were "getting away with murder.' But when the time came to act, the lobbyists swooped in and Trump caved to his rich buddies.

"Trump's tax scam did next to nothing to close this loophole, and his Treasury Department has gone even further to keep the fat cats happy, picking and choosing which gains to apply these rules to. Gains most prevalent in real estate and hedge funds are excluded.

"These regulations are yet another reminder that private equity executives were unscathed by Trump's tax law. They continue to live by a different set of rules than working folks, paying taxes when they want at the rate they choose.

"At every turn, the Trump presidency has been a massive giveaway to the high fliers."
