Issue Position: Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Health care is a human right, not a privilege reserved for the few. Too many of us are worried that we will not be able to afford the cost of the health care that we or our family members might need. The COVID-19 pandemic has only underscored the need for quality health care for everyone in our community. Your health and peace of mind are important to me. In the Assembly, you can count on me to fight to improve the Affordable Care Act to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, protect coverage for people with preexisting conditions, hold drug companies accountable to reduce prescription drug prices and support frontline healthcare workers and local hospitals. I am committed to fighting the Trump administration's plans to take away health care from Americans and to keep the price of prescription drugs high.

I'm proud that my support for high quality health care for all Californians has earned the support of the California Nurses Association. In contrast, my opponent has put the profits of drug companies and the insurance industry ahead of patients and public health. Last year, he voted against legislation to provide California local governments with funding for infectious disease control to respond to a health emergency like the coronavirus pandemic. My opponent -- who personally has more than 100 thousand dollars invested in pharmaceutical companies -- also voted against cracking down on drug corporations that delay the release of cheaper generic medications and stricter oversight of the insurance industry to protect consumers. At the same time, he opposed legislation requiring that children be vaccinated for preventable and contagious diseases. These are not our values.
