House Passes Appropriations Bill With Rep. Krishnamoorthi's Amendment Prohibiting Executive Branch Employees From Endorsing Any Private Company

Press Release

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed an appropriations funding bill, which included an amendment introduced by Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-IL) and Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) to prohibit Executive Branch employees from using their public office or public appropriation funds to endorse or support any product, service, enterprise, or private company.

"As White House officials including Kellyanne Conway, Ivanka Trump, and the President himself have used their public office to promote everything from clothing lines to beans," said Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi, "my amendment would provide this Administration a much-needed reminder that the use of public funds to promote any private company is a violation of the Code of Federal Regulations. No public official should be using taxpayer dollars to make private companies rich, especially when they or their portfolios stand to benefit from such promotions."

"It is a bedrock principle of our democracy that federal officials should use their positions for the benefit of the country rather than to enrich themselves or their family, friends, or political allies," said Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney. "President Trump's endorsement of Goya products from the Oval Office was inappropriate as was Ivanka Trump's promotion of the brand from her official Twitter account. This amendment would send the message that taxpayer dollars may not be used for illegal endorsements by Trump White House employees."
