Issue Position: Shrinking Government

Issue Position

When David Gowan was first elected, Arizona faced the worst budget crisis of any state in the country. Former Governor Napolitano had taken advantage of a weak Republican Legislature to dig Arizona into a massive financial hole, with only $7 Billion in revenues and a $12 Billion budget.

David Gowan and his Republican allies made the tough choices that previous legislators had punted on. They made cuts and made Arizona's government smaller. A lot smaller.

Along the way they were threatened by the special interests who had gotten fat and resisted cuts to their pet projects. They were mocked by a liberal media who wanted to demonize them for every cut they made.

In the end, Gowan and the new Republican majority prevailed. They had the courage and the backbone to do what needed to be done and today, Arizona's economy is healthier and its budget is truly balanced.
