Issue Position: Housing for All

Issue Position

The cost of housing in California has skyrocketed. The lack of affordable housing places families in increasingly unstable living situations and is one of the causes of the homelessness crisis. People should be able to afford to live here without it costing three-quarters of their income.

I helped pass the Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Bond Act of 2019.

I fought for a budget that assists low-income families with paying for housing, food, and other necessities. The budget earmarks $675 million in funding for the construction and expansion of emergency shelters and navigation centers, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing, and innovative projects like hotel and motel conversions. These funds go to cities and counties and will have accountability measures attached, including required reporting on how dollars will be spent to meet the goal of moving the homeless into permanent housing.

I authored AB 1745 to protect tenants from having evictions added to their credit report.

I will continue to make affordable housing a top priority.
