Issue Position: A Green Clean Planet

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

In this time of global climate crisis, we need to take steps, guided by science, to preserve those basic rights and to reduce human impact on our environment. We must reshape how we work, live, consume, produce, and recycle. We must reimagine land use in urban settings and embrace its ability to sustain us in new ways. We must be bold.

I'm proud to serve as a member of the Environmental Caucus, as well as on the Committee on Coastal Protection and Access to Natural Resources.

As your Assemblymember, I champion laws that establish groundbreaking environmental protection standards.

I introduced AB 1100 (signed into law), to increase parking infrastructure for electric-vehicle charging, and AB 987, the bill that delivers the new Clippers stadium to Inglewood and which requires the arena and associated developments to meet a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions standard.

I co-authored SB 54 and AB 1080, forward-thinking policies to reduce pollution from plastic packaging and products, including single-use plastic straws.

One of my signature initiatives is "54 in the 54th," an urban farming project designed to identify and develop 54 urban farms throughout the 54th District.
