Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

Education is a lifelong experience, our government has a duty and obligation to assist us in this endeavor and once education has been gained, it can never be taken away from the person.

While I served in the State Assembly, I served on the State's Secondary Education Committee, as well as Chairman of the States's Community College Committee.

While there, I supported a greater funding formula for our district's Secondary Schools. As a result, Palmdale school District and others received greater funds for our children's education. I also helped push through the new 'Middle-Class Scholarship Act', which gave middle-class students a discount on the costs of college.

I authored building a university here in the Antelope Valley, and it passed the Assembly! The Senate wanted another year to evaluate the issue. I didn't get re-elected and no one picked up the gauntlet. If elected, I will build that university right here and right now.

Steve Fox: Assemblyman

... and THAT is what The Fox says!
