Letter to Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of the Department of the Treasury - Reps. Torres, Lee Call Foul as Trump Nominates Political Ally for Key Foreign Aid Position


Dear Secretary Mnuchin:

In light of the Trump Administration's June 16, 2020 announcement of the nomination of
Mauricio Claver-Carone to be the next president of the Inter-American Development Bank
(IDB), we are compelled to share our deep concerns about this nomination, and accordingly urge
the Administration to reconsider.

Mr. Claver-Carone's nomination breaks from a 60-year precedent that a Latin American serve as
President of the IDB. The Trump Administration has chosen for the first time ever to overlook
talented and accomplished leadership from within Latin American and the Caribbean, instead
putting forward a partisan political appointee. For decades, the United States has sought to
elevate and strengthen self-reliance and local leadership in Latin America. This nomination
seemingly ignores the many qualified candidates from our Western Hemisphere partner

Our opposition to Mr. Claver-Carone's nomination is similarly informed by its timing. The vote
is set to come at a time of economic chaos and political uncertainty. The global economy is
roiling from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Latin America and the Caribbean will
need steady and experienced leadership at the IDB to aid in the region's recovery.

The unprecedented candidacy of Mr. Claver-Carone for the IDB presidency runs counter to the
Bank's norms, mission, and forthcoming challenges. We urge you to reconsider this decision.
We thank you for your attention to this important matter and eagerly await your response.

