Congressman Joe Morelle Condems Trump Administration for Plans to End Census Count a Month Early

Press Release

Date: Aug. 5, 2020
Location: Rochester, NY
Issues: Infrastructure

Today, Congressman Joe Morelle condemned the recent announcement that the United States Census Bureau, at the direction of the Trump Administration, would be ending the Census count September 30th, a full month sooner than planned.

"This move is nothing short of sabotage--an attempt by the Trump administration to suppress participation and ensure marginalized communities are left underfunded and undercounted," said Rep. Joe Morelle. "In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has already heavily delayed Census results, we should be doing everything we can to ensure every single person is accurately represented, not shortening the enumeration process. The Census effectively delegates how our country runs for the next decade--it should not be used as a political tool, nor should any shortcuts be taken."

The Census provides critical funding for hospitals, schools, roads, and infrastructure. With less than two months to go, 40% of the country remains uncounted. Historically, communities of color have been hurt the most by Census undercounting. Many neighborhoods, especially those without access to reliable broadband, rely on in-person counting: something this pandemic has made incredibly difficult.

Congressman Morelle has helped lead a push in the community to encourage everyone to fill out their Census form. If you haven't filled it out yet, visit or call 844-330-2020.
