Crist Applauds House Passage of Defense Bill

Press Release

Date: July 21, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Charlie Crist (D-St. Petersburg) released the following statement on three amendments he successfully included in the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (NDAA).

The NDAA, which passed the House today by a vote of 295-125, authorizes $732 billion in discretionary funding for our national defense, while making key investments in our servicemembers and keeping Pinellas families safe.

The FY'21 NDAA also features provisions to take care of troops and their families, including a 3 percent pay raise, investments in improving base housing and increased oversight in privatized military housing to better protect MacDill families from mold and other hazards, and increased funding to clean up PFAS contamination of drinking water on military bases.

The bill also secures paid parental leave for VA and FAA employees inadvertently left out of last year's NDAA. Also included in the NDAA are provisions making improvements to sexual assault prevention and response programs and the development of several key programs to promote and enhance diversity and inclusion within the military. Finally, the bill provides an additional $1 billion for the Pandemic Preparedness and Resilience National Security Fund to increase our ability to prepare for and respond to future pandemics.

Congressman Crist was able to include the following priorities in the legislation:

His bill, the Coast Guard Retirement Parity Act (H.R.6072), to protect the retirement benefits of thousands of Coast Guard veterans by including the Coast Guard in the Military Retirement Fund. This change in how Coast Guard retirement is funded brings it in line with the accrual-based system of the other military branches, improving fiscal responsibility and -- more importantly -- protecting Coast Guard retirement payments in the event of a future government shutdown.
Study the transferability of military certifications to civilian life, so Congress can better help former servicemembers transition into civilian life and more easily find jobs.
Shine a light on Pentagon usage of juvenile health records of children and dependents of servicemembers to deny those dependents from joining the military as adults, an unfair practice that only happens to military families.
Asses COVID-19's impact on space programs and the space industrial base, as the virus continues to hurt Florida jobs and our economy.

"My first and foremost responsibility in Congress is to keep Pinellas families safe. That is why I'm proud that the House-passed defense bill keeps that top priority front and center. It provides the military and our servicemembers the tools needed to push back against our adversaries and combat violent extremism," said Rep. Crist. "I am especially proud to include my bill to protect Coast Guard retirement payments in the event of a future shutdown. I was also proud to pass three amendments -- including two on a bipartisan basis -- to get veterans jobs quicker after separation, protect military families, and rebuild our space economy that has been hurt by the pandemic. For the 60th year in a row, the People's House has acted to support military families and servicemembers, bring defense, support, and research jobs and economic activity to our communities, and keep Pinellas families safe."

With House passage of the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, the legislation now must be acted upon by the Senate.
