Issue Position: Environment

Issue Position

Invest in renewable energy solutions, that money can stay in Oregon and expand our economy.

Changing our state goals for economy-wide reduction of Oregon's Greenhouse Gas emissions to net zero by 2050 and at least 50% reduction by 2035

Protection of our forest and wildlife areas by eliminating clear-cut forestry on all publicly held and managed lands. It is important that we protect our water supplies by updating needed protections for our forest waters. We must restrict the allowing of stream side clear cut logging and aerial spray practices in Oregon. Extending the prohibition of aerial spraying within 500 feet of all forest waters, dwellings, and schools is a start.

We need to address air and water quality and hold those accountable who are decreasing the health of our air and water. We also need to invest in a "Buy Clean" act that addresses carbon emissions from imported manufacturing materials. Following the steps of the State of Washignton, we need to identify the communities who are most vulnerable to climate and environmental health impacts

I will fully support policy to limit development in certain areas that are identified as high fire risk. I will work with legislative representatives and senators to help stop rollbacks and end-runs around Oregon's land use system. One of the most important parts into addressing this issue is to fully invest in mapping out areas of high risk of fires across the State of Oregon. With full transparency and communication, we will then need to educate our residents on how we determine what's high risk and what is not.

Researching potential options of offering free public transportation (that will be safe after COVID-19) which will allow for higher usage of public transit instead of using vehicles. In addition, taking a deep research on the need of perhaps re-routing public transportation routes is important in order to capture every area in need that could benefit from free public transit. We need to promote the health benefits of walking and riding bikes from place to place. I will also fully support changing our current constitutional restrictions on transportation funding and will oppose projects that do no incorporate climate and racial justice.
