COLUMN: Standing Together for Our National Defense


The men and women of our military fight tirelessly to protect and defend our country, and as a Congress, we have a responsibility to provide for them. To do so, each year, the U.S. House of Representatives passes the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), providing authorization of critical programs for our nation's military. The bill not only helps bolster our national security efforts through increased technology and defense resources, but it also provides greatly deserved pay, benefits, and services for our troops and their families.

Fortunately, the NDAA has a long history of bipartisanship. This year's legislation, the William M. (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act, is an example of Congress standing together to strengthen our military and provide for our national security. While political divisions certainly exist in our country and within the People's House, the legislation before the House is an example of compromise, with Members on both sides of the aisle recognizing that this legislation contains many provisions that will greatly improve our country's ability to defend our citizens.

This bill is about our troops and the security of our nation -- not politics.

Our men and women in uniform make many sacrifices for our nation, and it is our duty to ensure their needs are met across the world and at home. That is why I am proud to support this legislation, which contains a 3% pay increase for our servicemembers as well as additional resources for military families.

The families of our troops also make sacrifices and serve our country in their own way, and they too deserve our support. The legislation includes provisions to enhance communication with military families, improved access to childcare, and healthcare improvements. These services and benefits are not only deserved by the wives, husbands, and children of our servicemembers, but they are earned.

Technological developments from countries like China pose a real and increasing threat to the United States. This bill works to combat these threats by increasing funding for technologies like artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, and biotechnology. It also contains funding for the Indo-Pacific Deterrence Initiative, which directs the Secretary of Defense to strengthen our commitment to the security of the region and increase our military readiness to defend our national interests against unfriendly regimes. The legislation fully funds nuclear modernization programs to ensure our nuclear deterrent is safe and reliable, and it makes critical investments in science and technology advancements for all branches of our military.

Lastly, this bill will ensure the United States is prepared to combat COVID-19 and any future pandemic. It will equip the Department of Defense with the diagnostic equipment, testing capability, and personal protective equipment to protect our Armed Forces, and it will require the National Security Strategy to address the supply chains of drugs, vaccines, and other critical medical equipment to protect the health and combat readiness of our troops.

I am eternally grateful for those who have chosen to dedicate their lives to protect and defend the United States of America, and the NDAA is a clear demonstration of our commitment to the men and women who serve and sacrifice for our country every day. I am proud to support the bipartisan legislation brought before the House of Representatives, and I hope this bill will serve as a reminder and a guarantee that our government -- despite the social and political issues facing us today -- will come together to support our national defense.
