Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

Education is an essential public good, and should be fully funded for all Coloradans. Public dollars should go to public schools, and no charter should be able to skirt the standards that we require of our neighborhood schools.

Colorado's kids and young adults deserve a path to success and fulfillment, which is why I view P-20 education as an essential public good. It's in our best interest, as a people, to fully fund the education of every member of our society. This is certainly one role that our state legislature can, and should, fulfill: setting a budget that wisely invests public dollars in our long-term well-being and prosperity. In Colorado we have some obstacles to this funding, such as the Gallagher Amendment, which leaves too many of our schools scrambling for funding that should be guaranteed. I absolutely support a repeal of this amendment for this, and other, reasons. Due to the very populist nature of our state Constitution (a double-edged sword), tax reform will require citizen action beyond simply voting for those who fill the seats of our legislature.

Public school teachers in Colorado are underpaid by a good $6k a year. A statewide educator pay raise fund, as well as a higher first year wage for new teachers, would be good measures to address this. Attracting and retaining dedicated teachers is well worth the investment.
