Issue Position: Border

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Immigration

Border security is the biggest threat to Texas' security and prosperity that we face today. The time for excuses has long past. We must secure our border, period.
But we must also deal with interior issues. That's why during my first legislative session, I proudly co-wrote and voted for our state's sanctuary cities law. To show just how serious I am about securing the border and curbing the influx of illegal immigration, I authored and successfully attached the amendment to the sanctuary cities bill that allows for any public official who ignores federal immigration laws to be removed from office.

Additionally, in both of the legislative sessions that I have served as your state senator, I have voted for a state budget that dedicates nearly a billion dollars each to fund the Department of Public Safety and the National Guard to help secure the border.

Securing our border is truly an issue of life or death, and without a secure border, we do not have a nation.
