Issue Position: Honoring the Sanctity of Life

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Reproduction

Life is precious and sacred, and the unborn must be protected. We are endowed by our Creator, and we must be prepared to defend life from conception until natural death. That's why I was so proud to stand with my colleagues in the House and Senate and help pass the Sonogram Bill (HB 15) to ensure a woman considering abortion is fully informed and is given every opportunity to see a sonogram image and hear the heartbeat of her unborn child. One of the key reasons for Texas to stand up against Obamacare is to insure that we are never forced to use state tax dollars to fund abortions. My wife, Mel, and I proudly support numerous pro-life organizations for years, and as your senator, I will be unyielding in my efforts to advance policies that would protect innocent human lives--unborn or otherwise.

Endorsed by Texas Alliance for Life
Endorsed by Texas Right to Life
