Fox News "Sunday Morning Features" - Transcript Interview with Donald Trump


Date: July 4, 2020


TRUMP: I'm running against the Democrats, and I'm running against the media.

I'm running against the radical left. I'm running against some really stupid Republicans that don't understand how good they had it, because we have some Republicans -- I'm at 95 or 96 percent with the Republican Party, but we have some people that claim to be Republicans, and they've gone crazy.

And the reason is, I have defeated them all. You know, they were all my opponents, and they've never gotten over it, guys, Weaver and Schmidt, all losers.

And they go out and they try buying commercials. And you say, gee, we've rebuilt our military. We've taken care of our vets. Our vets are in the best shape. You've never seen anything like with the vets, with Choice, with everything else. We've done such a good job. And then you add the judges and you add protecting our Second Amendment. And what are these guys going to do? Support Joe Biden? MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: No. TRUMP: And, you know, because Joe has been brought way left, way, way left.

They've never gotten over losing to me. It wasn't supposed to happen. And then I had another race. It was against crooked Hillary Clinton. And she's never gotten over it either.

BARTIROMO: Well, she's been tweeting already, saying that we have to vote by mail.

Now, I know that there was interference in the 2016 election. They were out to get you, and they wanted to take you down. There's another kind of interference, and that could be fooling around with voting machines.

I mean, in terms of voting by mail, vote proxies, what's your take? Do you want that?

TRUMP: So...

BARTIROMO: She's been tweeting about that, Hillary.

TRUMP: Voting by mail is very dangerous, because people can grab them. People can take that proxy, sign a name. They can -- they can do all sorts of things, especially harvesting.

They go out, and they say just -- let's put them all together. And that's happened. And, by the way, we were thinking it might happen in California. We were worried about the race.

But, look, in California, they actually won. They voted by mail, the one we just won today. We just won it, vote by mail. And they were losing, because, when you vote by mail, you see the tally, how it's going, right?

And we were losing. We were losing that issue. So, we lost that issue. We're voting by mail. We're winning. What happens? They immediately set a voting booth up -- wasn't supposed to -- in the middle of a Democrat area, so they could get votes.

But they still didn't do it. We won the race. It's pretty amazing. BARTIROMO: So, why would Nancy Pelosi come up with this $3.9 trillion plan, if she knows...

TRUMP: I think she wants -- yes. Yes.

BARTIROMO: ... it's dead on arrival, she's knows nobody's going to go for a marijuana business in the middle of a pandemic.

What -- I mean...

TRUMP: More than anything else, she wants the voter -- the way of voting changed, because, if you did that -- look, they have had some very dishonest things.

You look at California. Look at Los Angeles, where Judicial Watch settled a case, where they agreed that a million votes were fraudulent. A million votes in one area were fraudulent. And they could have done a lot more, but it was almost -- it was so ridiculous, there was no reason to go any further.

They came to a settlement. They agreed on a million votes. The level of dishonesty with Democrat voting is unbelievable. If you told a Republican to vote twice, they'd get sick at even the thought of it.

And you have people that vote numerous times. What's happening is crazy. So, now they want to send out vote by mail.

Who's going to -- who knows who's signing this stuff? Not only should they come and vote. Now, if you're a senior citizen, and if you're this or that, like in Florida, there's a great system of voting. But it's a fair system, and it's a very closely watched system. So, in some cases, age, you're not feeling well, you should be able to do it. But you have to go out and vote. And if you don't do that, it can be -- we'll have the worst rigged election since Bernie Sanders, because Bernie Sanders, he has had a lot of bad things happen to him.

You know, it's interesting with Bernie Sanders. BARTIROMO: That's a good point. I'm glad you're making that. TRUMP: If Bernie Sanders -- if Elizabeth Warren drops -- and nobody talks about this. I say it all the time, because it's so basic.

Elizabeth Warren was a failed candidate, but she got a lot of the super liberal votes, you know, the radical left, I call it. And she didn't drop out of the race Super Tuesday. If she drops out of the race -- she doesn't even have to endorse Bernie Sanders. He wins every state, almost every state against Biden. But she didn't. And then two other people who did drop out, they gave the support to Biden.

If -- and despite that, if she does it, because she got thousands of votes. Every one of those races were very close. She -- he would win almost every state, Bernie Sanders. And that was the establishment Democrats killing Bernie Sanders. BARTIROMO: Wow.

You know, Mr. President, there are a lot of people today that are very happy that you're so tough, as tough as you are, because there's a statute -- there's a 1947 statute that says Nancy Pelosi would yield all of the powers of the presidency if the president and the vice president could not -- consistent with the law, she could issue whatever executive orders she wanted, fire disfavored political appointees, and, in general, direct the executive branch, as she pleased. She's third in line. TRUMP: It's never going to happen.

We'll keep our vice president very healthy, and I will stay healthy. Never going to happen. She would be a disaster.

But, look, Nancy Pelosi is a disaster, OK? Even doing a thing like that with her crazy vote, what she wants to do is get involved with the voting. She just got back to Washington. Everybody said, what -- what was so long? She just got back here. So, let's just see how it all works out ...

BARTIROMO: So... TRUMP: But I think we're going to have a great election. I'm getting really good poll numbers. For the most part, they're not being shown.

And I saw Joe Biden on television yesterday. And if you watch him, he knows nothing. He knows absolutely nothing.

BARTIROMO: Do you think he will be the candidate? TRUMP: I don't know. I just don't know.

I mean, I'm looking -- normally, it's -- of course he's going to be the candidate. Again, if Elizabeth Warren, Pocahontas, as I affectionately call her, because her whole life was a fraud -- if Elizabeth Warren just got out before Super Tuesday, it would be Bernie.

I don't care who it is. It doesn't matter. I actually would prefer, Joe. I think I would prefer Joe. Who knows, right, about those things.

But a lot of people wonder, is he going to be the candidate?

BARTIROMO: But, you know, how will you be positioning yourself for the election?

Because people voted for you because they trusted your economic smarts. They knew you could turn things around for the economy and business. You're a business...

TRUMP: And I did. BARTIROMO: The first business president. Exactly.

TRUMP: Look...

BARTIROMO: Unemployment potential.

TRUMP: ... we had to turn off our country. We had the greatest -- as we say...

BARTIROMO: So, will you position yourself differently going into this election?

TRUMP: No, I don't think so.

I'm going to do it again. I got to do it again. I did it once. I showed it can be done.

