Hearing of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Lowey, Markup on the FY 2021 Defense Funding Bill


Date: July 8, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Nita M. Lowey (D-NY), Chair of the House Appropriations Committee, delivered the following remarks at the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee's markup of its fiscal year 2021 bill:

I thank Chairman Visclosky and Ranking Member Calvert for their work on this bill and thank the staff for their long hours to make this bill a reality, particularly during the challenges of the past few months.

I would also like to acknowledge Chairman Vislosky on his final subcommittee markup. I'll have more to say during full committee, but for now let me just say how much I have appreciated your dedication and friendship. Our nation is more secure and the lives of our servicemembers are better because of your leadership.

This bill strengthens our national security with robust funding for cyberspace operations and continued support for the Israeli Cooperative Program and for other defense partners.

And it honors the sacrifices that our servicemembers and their families make by providing:

-Increased funding for Sexual Assault Prevention and Response programs;
-Additional funds for upgrades to childcare facilities, a serious quality of life issue for our service members; and
-Increased investment in defense health services, medical research, and pandemic planning

I also applaud the subcommittee for including language that prevents needless spending by this administration for the border wall and prohibits explosive nuclear weapons testing, which would undermine our national security.

We know how dangerous the world is and the challenges that our brave men and women in uniform face. We owe it to them to pass a bill that reflects a thoughtful commitment to national security. I believe this bill achieves that goal and urge support.
