Issue Position: Create an Economy that Works for Everyone -- stop tax giveaways to corporations and billionaires and fight for the rest of us

Issue Position

Over the past few years, the largest corporations and wealthiest individuals have received repeated tax giveaways while the middle-class and small businesses have been forced to pay even more. That's not right. We need to repeal legislation that disproportionately affects middle class families who are already paying more than their fair share.

Too many working people in North Carolina don't get paid enough for the work that they do. At a time when corporation's productivity and profits are at an all-time high and wages are at an all-time low. We need good paying jobs in North Carolina. One in three North Carolinians earn below the federal poverty line. Nearly half of the workers in North Carolina (47%) make less than $15 an hour. The cost of living in North Carolina is such that it takes $21.95 an hour to get by on a frugal budget without public assistance for a family of three (3). More than half of the jobs created in the late 2000's pay poverty wages. We need more, good-paying jobs in North Carolina.

Let's get more business to come to Eastern North Carolina that pay a decent wage. Improving our infrastructure, expanding vocational education, and bringing new clean energy/high tech jobs to this area are a few solutions.
