
Floor Speech

Date: July 1, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. McCONNELL. Madam President, on one final matter, while the Senate maintains the serious approach that builds bipartisan successes like the CARES Act and the Great American Outdoors Act, the House Democrats appear addicted to pointless political theater.

Well, our absentee neighbors have finally arrived back in the Capitol, and they have wasted no time resuming old tricks. The Speaker has chosen to spend the House's time this week on a multithousand-page cousin of the Green New Deal masquerading as a highway bill.

You don't have to take my word for it; the chair of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee said so. He said: ``This is the application of the principles of the Green New Deal.'' And he is right, because here are the four pillars of the Green New Deal: No. 1, spend an insane amount of money; No. 2, check every far-left ideological box; No. 3, propose bad policies; and No. 4, forget about making law from the very beginning so you can legislate in a world of pure fantasy--pure fantasy. Check, check, check, and check.

This so-called infrastructure bill would siphon billions in funding from actual infrastructure to funnel into climate change policy. By putting a huge thumb on the scale for mass transit and electric vehicles, it revises the old Obama-Biden focus on disproportionately helping major metro areas, leaving less for the rest of our country. No wonder it came out of committee in the House on a purely bipartisan vote. No wonder the White House declared it not a serious proposal and made it clear this will never become law.

Naturally, this nonsense is not going anywhere in the Senate. It will just join the list of absurd House proposals that were only drawn up to show fealty to the radical left. Here in the Senate, we will keep at the serious work of our Nation.

