Addressing Infrastructure Needs in Our Country

Floor Speech

Date: July 1, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. PANETTA. Madam Speaker, I am proud to have supported H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act.

This comprehensive infrastructure package will make clean energy investments, create more affordable housing, and improve broadband across the United States.

I am proud that H.R. 2 included many of my bills, including the green bus tax credit, so that Monterey-Salinas Transit and Santa Cruz METRO, in my district, can get their fleets of zero-emission buses on the roads and also my Clean Energy Production Parity Act to support linear generators manufactured in California.

H.R. 2 also includes my amendments to increase the Reforestation Trust Fund for more job-creating environmental infrastructure and to give greater flexibility to communities using EDA funding so that we can better target Federal funding for economic recovery projects.

It is past time to address the infrastructure needs of our country. That is why I urge my colleagues in the Senate to, hopefully, take up and pass H.R. 2, so that we can continue to move our country forward to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

