Investing in A New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America Act

Floor Speech

Date: June 30, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act.

Our country is in serious need of bold and comprehensive infrastructure reform. This was true before the coronavirus pandemic, and it is even more urgent as we combat the ongoing economic and public health crisis.

While all communities across the country will benefit from infrastructure reform, this is an important opportunity to create a level playing field and provide critical infrastructure to historically underserved communities.

As a member of the Rural Broadband Task Force, I am pleased to see that H.R. 2 provides $100 billion in critical funding for broadband. This will increase access in rural communities, improve affordability for working families and help close the digital divide in rural communities like Alabama's Black Belt.

This legislation also provides $40 billion in new wastewater infrastructure which will help address one of the most severe public health crises facing families in my district.

As a former bond lawyer, I am proud that this bill offers easier ways for our counties, municipalities, and nonprofits to invest in our local infrastructure. I fought to include provisions like Build America Bonds and my legislation to expand the use of bank-qualified bonds for smaller issuers. These impactful tools will expand infrastructure and investments and lower the costs of financing.

Finally, Mr. Speaker, H.R. 2 will also include a bill that I have been trying to get through Congress for a while, and that would be to make permanent the New Markets Tax Credit, which are a vital tool for driving investments in historically underserved communities, and it increases an allocation to jump-start these important projects.

Mr. Speaker, the Moving Forward Act will not only expand our investments in critical infrastructure projects, but they would also give communities like mine in Alabama's Black Belt who suffer from a lack of resources and opportunities the chance to catch up and to get ahead.

Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my colleagues to support this important legislation.

