Issue Position: Electoral Reform

Issue Position

Our electoral system is riddled with problems: partisan gerrymandering, shady campaign funding voter suppression and corrupt lobbyists are only a few of the issues that damage our democracy.

We need to fix gerrymandering by forming independent voting commissions to draw our districts, so that constituents choose their representatives, not the other way around.

We need to allow automatic and same day voter registration, along with both-by-mail ballots for anyone who wants one.

We need to make Election Day a federal holiday and extend access to early voting--no one should be unable to vote because they can't afford to take time off of work.

We need to repeal Citizens United, to make sure that Super PACs and massive corporations aren't spending unlimited money funding campaigns, so that politicians aren't bought and paid for by billionaire donors (which is why David hasn't accepted any money from Super PACs).

We need to restore the right to vote for every person convicted of a crime. It's estimated that 6 million people have lost their right to vote as a result of their criminal record. The right to vote is inalienable, and the more people who have a say in their leadership, the better.

We need to enact term limits in Congress, so the same career politicians (like Pete Sessions) don't spend decades getting rich while ignoring their constituents.

We need to fight partisan division by implementing ranked-choice voting, allowing voters to choose who they would most and least prefer to serve in any given seat, encouraging broader coalitions and making candidates focusing on politics over party, opening the door for newer representation. 39% of Americans said they identify with neither political party. The two party system is failing us, and ranked-choice voting is the first step to fixing it.
