Wesley Hunt Statement on the Death of Qasem Soleimani


By taking decisive action to eliminate Iranian General Qasem Soleimani, President Trump has made clear to our enemies that harming America and her interests has severe consequences.

According to the Defense Department, Soleimani was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and our service members currently stationed in Iraq. This defensive strike by the U.S., comes just days after our Embassy in Baghdad came under siege by Iranian sponsored militia and also after a rocket attack killed an American civilian contractor and wounded several U.S. military service members.

Make no mistake, the growing storm clouds in Iraq, are a direct result of the Islamic Republic of Iran. With roughly 5,000 American troops currently serving in the region and with countless more American civilians on the ground, we have a duty to neutralize any threat posed. I applaud the President of the United States for his unmistakable leadership in the face of looming Iranian attacks.
