Fletcher Weeks Late on SPR Funding

Press Release

Date: April 20, 2020
Location: Houston, TX

Today was a sad day for middle-class families in Houston as oil prices plummeted. As our family, friends and neighbors suffer the economic consequences, Congresswoman Lizzie Fletcher announced her support for funding the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Funding for the SPR was included in a relief package weeks ago but stripped because of opposition by Nancy Pelosi and Democratic leadership. In response to Fletcher's lack of leadership during this energy crisis, Congressional candidate Wesley Hunt released the following statement:

"Today Congresswoman Fletcher called for funds to purchase oil for the SPR. Both House and Senate Republicans supported this action weeks ago, but Nancy Pelosi, who Fletcher supports nearly 100% of the time, blocked that funding. As the Representative for the Energy Corridor, Lizzie Fletcher has an obligation to stand up for the best interests of our oil and gas jobs. She failed that obligation. Instead of standing up to Speaker Pelosi, she sat in silence. If there were ever a time to break ranks with her party, this should have been it. Our community and our Nation are currently being tested by unprecedented challenges and we need leaders ready to face these challenges."
