Fletcher Caves to "Defund the Police' Movement

Press Release

Date: June 28, 2020
Location: Houston, TX

On Friday, Lizzie Fletcher embraced the radical policies of the "Defund the Police" movement by cosponsoring and voting for federal legislation that eliminates qualified immunity, severely impacting the ability of police to protect our communities. The policy of ending qualified immunity has drawn opposition from local law enforcement officials.

Fletcher's vote came just one day after Democrats in the Senate blocked all discussion and compromise on a Republican police reform bill authored and supported by longtime police reform advocate Tim Scott.

In response to Fletcher's vote, Wesley Hunt released the following statement.

"Once again, Lizzie Fletcher, Nancy Pelosi and Washington liberals have shown that they are more interested in appeasing the radicals in their base than working on real substantive reform policies to combat abuses by police," said Hunt. "The greatest impact of this bill is to attack police officers and ensure fewer police officers patrol our neighborhoods, which will lead to more violent crime, especially in minority communities. It will also be an enormous hit to taxpayers as state and local governments will struggle and spend enormous sums of our money to recruit and retain law enforcement officers. Adjusting police contracts to ensure bad apples can be more easily disciplined and fired is what needs to happen, not these dangerous policies."

Hunt added: "This vote, along with Fletcher's rejection of Tim Scott's Senate bill, is the latest in a long line of actions that run completely counter to her 2018 promises of moderation and bipartisanship."
