Issue Position: Gun Violence Protection

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Guns

Each year, 36,000 Americans die from gun violence and another 100,000 are shot. Here in Colorado we've dealt with two of the nation's worst mass shootings in Aurora and Littleton. Coloradans know that we do not have to choose between Second Amendment protections and safer communities. As a hunter and former Army Ranger, I know that there are many responsible gun owners in Colorado, but I also know what guns are capable of and that common-sense reforms are needed to reduce gun violence.

Common-sense laws that are supported by a huge majority of Americans can help make our communities, schools, and homes safer from gun violence. Background checks have prevented over 2.4 million gun sales to felons, domestic abusers, and dangerously mentally ill individuals. But, loopholes still allow too many gun sales to go unchecked. I know that Coloradans support closing these types of loopholes, and I have fought to do that in Congress. I introduced legislation to close the "Colorado Loophole," which would prohibit the sale of long guns to residents from other states who could not buy them in their own home state, am vice chair of the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force, and was a proud supporter of H.R. 8 to expand background checks for all gun sales.

I will not only refuse corporate PAC money, but I will also never take a dime from the gun lobby. My priority in Congress is to work towards solutions to gun violence and I will always put our children, our families, and our communities first.
