Ossoff Launches Second TV Ad with Direct Message from Civil Rights Hero Rep. John Lewis

Press Release

Date: May 5, 2020
Location: Atlanta, GA
Issues: Elections

Today, investigative journalist and media executive Jon Ossoff unveiled the second TV ad of his U.S. Senate campaign, featuring his mentor and highest-profile supporter, civil rights legend and U.S. Congressman John Lewis.

The ad, which features footage of Lewis campaigning for Ossoff across Georgia, is titled "Calling on You." Congressman Lewis calls Ossoff "brilliant" and says Ossoff "has the energy to lead us to a better place."

Lewis urges Georgia voters, "Friends, I'm calling on you to support Jon Ossoff, and send Donald Trump a message he'll never forget."

When he announced his endorsement of Ossoff's Senate bid in September, Congressman John Lewis said, "Seldom have I known a young leader who matches Jon Ossoff's talent, integrity, and commitment to our community. Jon has a proven record fighting for justice and exposing corruption, and I will do everything in my power to support Jon's election to the United States Senate. Like the many thousands Jon has already organized and inspired, I am ready to work tirelessly to elect him. Georgia and America need Jon."

In a statement accompanying the release of this ad, Ossoff said, "The Congressman's mentorship for nearly two decades has been a vital influence on my worldview and the direction of my life. While corrupt Senator David Perdue fiddles with his stock portfolio and apologizes for Brian Kemp's voter suppression, together Congressman Lewis and I are building a massive grassroots campaign to register and turn out Georgia voters at unprecedented scale."

A transcript of the ad:

"[Lewis]: We can send this young man Jon Ossoff to the United States Senate.
Smart, brilliant, has the energy to lead us to a better place.
We need his voice, we need Jon Ossoff -- standing up, speaking up, and speaking out.
I've known Jon for many many years. He will fight for our values.
Friends, I'm calling on you to support Jon Ossoff, and send Donald Trump a message he will never forget."
[Ossoff]: "I'm Jon Ossoff, and I approve this message."
