Issue Position: Green New Deal

Issue Position

Charles is a father to two young girls and wants to build a future in which they can thrive. That means addressing the climate crisis by dramatically reducing our dependence on fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases, and instead building the infrastructure of an economy that thrives on clean, renewable sources of energy.

Charles supports a Green New Deal, and believes that Kentucky -- one of the largest coal-producing states in the country, and one whose economy has been rocked by the decline of the fossil fuel industry -- must take the lead. For the Commonwealth, it is time for a Kentucky New Deal.

Our leaders haven't cared enough about our coal miners and coal communities to be honest with them about what the future holds, and to make sure they're not left behind. Further, our leaders have ignored the environmental effects on small farms that are fighting everyday to stay afloat. Most importantly, addressing the comprehensive challenges impacting the Commonwealth with a Green New Deal allows Kentuckians to stand together and address structural racism and inequity that has harmed families for generations. Providing for a clean environment, housing justice, guaranteed union jobs, and direct community investment will strengthen the holistic health for all families. Charles supports a Green New Deal because he gives a damn about all Kentuckians. This is about our survival -- the survival of our planet, but also our economic survival and the well being of our families.
