Fox News - Dr. Joyce Joins Fox News to Discuss the JUSTICE Act, Coronavirus Response


Date: June 25, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

This morning, Congressman John Joyce, M.D. (PA-13) joined Fox News to discuss Senate Democrats' move to block consideration of the JUSTICE Act yesterday, as well as the ongoing response to coronavirus.

Dr. Joyce on the JUSTICE Act:

The actions yesterday in the United States Senate were unacceptable. The JUSTICE Act, brought forth by Senator Tim Scott and former law enforcement official Congressman Pete Stauber addressed the issues. They addressed the needed transparency, accountability, and the additional training that would be provided for law enforcement.


Every American, every Member of Congress, should get behind the JUSTICE Act. As Senator Tim Scott said, this is the time to address this issue. This is not the time to say no.


The American people are looking to Congress to find the solution, a bipartisan solution.


Dr. Joyce on Coronavirus Response:

We are ready to get back to work. We've protected our families, our neighbors, our friends, and America wants to return to work. We want to see a great American recovery.


Watch Congressman Joyce's full interview on Fox News.
