Issue Position: Economy & Jobs

Issue Position

Andy Barr is Getting Results

*Andy voted for the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the first comprehensive reform of the tax code in over 30 years. This legislation:
**Cuts taxes by $2,052 for the average median income family in the Sixth District
**Doubles the standard deduction and child tax credit
**Includes legislation Andy introduced to boost Kentucky's horse and bourbon industries
**Led to increased bonuses, wages and enhanced benefits for over four million workers nationwide
**Lowered utility rates for families throughout Kentucky
*As a member of the Financial Services Committee, Andy is a national leader in the effort to roll back burdensome regulations, authoring multiple bills that will increase Americans' access to the financial system so that entrepreneurs, farmers and homeowners can access the capital they need to build businesses, create jobs and purchase a home.
*As the Chairman of the subcommittee that oversees the Federal Reserve System, Andy is the top policymaker in Congress advocating for more conventional, predictable, and accountable monetary policy.
