Issue Position: 2nd Amendment

Issue Position

Issues: Guns

I am a member of the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, National Association for Gun Rights, and Georgia Carry. I am a hunter. I have a Georgia Weapons Carry License, and I'm a staunch defender of the Second Amendment.

You can be assured then, that as a member of Congress I am vigilant in defending the right to keep and bear arms because it is foundational to all other Constitutional rights and to our American liberty. Human rights do not derive, as many erroneously believe, from government. Rather, our rights are conferred upon us by God. It's the responsibility of government to acknowledge those rights and protect them.

The Founders adopted the Second Amendment, so that the American people would have the means to defend themselves from government should it become a threat to liberty.

You can count on me to stand steadfastly resolute concerning the right to keep and bear arms.
