Davids Secures Key Provisions for Tribes in Transformational Legislation to Improve Nation's Infrastructure

Press Release

Representative Sharice Davids (KS-03) secured key provisions to improve tribal infrastructure in the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America (INVEST in America) Act, which was approved by the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure yesterday. The bill boosts total tribal transportation to $1 billion per year in guaranteed investment annually, which will predominantly support rural areas.

"The INVEST in America Act will make critical, long over-due investments in tribal infrastructure - something I've been pushing for since I first began serving on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. Especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately impacted tribal communities, we must invest in infrastructure in order to advance economic recovery and create much-needed jobs. I'm proud to support this legislation, and I look forward to working with my House colleagues to move a bipartisan bill forward," said Rep. Davids.

Last year Davids urged committee leadership to keep the priorities of tribal communities in mind while developing their legislative agenda for the 116th Congress. She suggested measures such as reforming the Tribal Transportation Program and making existing infrastructure grants more accessible to tribes.

"The INVEST in America Act puts forward a vision for our nation that moves our infrastructure into a new era, in part, by recognizing the long overdue need to invest in tribal communities. From the start of this Congress, I've had the pleasure of working with Representative Davids to ensure that our Committee serves as a proving ground for the greater inclusion of tribal voices in Federal policy," said Chair Peter DeFazio. "As the first member from Kansas to serve on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in nearly a decade, Representative Davids played a critical role in securing key provisions that will build and repair roads on tribal lands, significantly increase funding for the Tribal Transportation Program, and boost tribal economies and create jobs - which is especially important amid COVID-19. I am grateful for Rep. Davids' role in securing the passage of this transformational legislation and look forward to working with her to further address the needs of tribal communities on this Committee."

The INVEST in America Act would help tribes recover from COVID-19 and enact many measures Davids has advocated for to improve tribal infrastructure, including:

COVID-19 Recovery: provides $83.1 billion to ensure States, cities, tribes, territories, and transit agencies can administer programs, advance projects, and preserve jobs in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis.

Invests in Highways: Provides $750 million for tribes in formula funds per year, a nearly 70% increase over current levels.
Tribal Transportation Program: significantly increases funding levels for the Tribal Transportation Program (TTP), providing $800 million per year for the program out of the Highway Trust Fund. Expands eligibility under the Tribal Transportation Bridge Program to allow construction of new bridges.
Federal Lands and Tribal Major Projects Program: provides $400 million per year and requires a 50/50 split of grant funds among tribes and Federal lands agencies. Provides more flexibility through a smaller project size, higher Federal share, and a broader set of funding eligibilities.
Tribal High Priority Projects: provides $50 million per year on a discretionary basis, for grants of a maximum size of $5 million, for the highest priority project for tribes whose annual apportionment is insufficient. Provides emergency relief to tribes who can't access other ER funds. Funds the program out of the HTF so funding is guaranteed.
Establishes an Office of Tribal Government Affairs: Establishes an Office of Tribal Government Affairs within U.S. DOT and creates a new Assistant Secretary for Tribal Government Affairs position. The Office and the Assistant Secretary will oversee administration of the Tribal Transportation Self Governance Program, policies and programs serving Indian Tribes and Tribal Organizations, and will provide technical assistance to tribes.
