Issue Position: Defending Our Seniors

Issue Position

Mike is fighting every day to make sure our great nation does not allow its seniors to go without healthcare, or fall into poverty and homelessness.

He believes that we must fight to preserve Medicare and Social Security, essential programs that reflect our shared commitment to support seniors, and that we must oppose any and all Republican efforts to privatize Social Security or raise the retirement age -- an unfair idea that will hurt seniors who have worked the hardest. This is why Mike co-sponsored the Social Security Fairness Act and the Social Security 2100 Act, to protect and strengthen benefits for our seniors and future retirees.

According to AARP, over 3 million low- to moderate-income older adults ages 50-64 currently rely on tax credits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to purchase health insurance coverage. Proposals to replace the current-law tax credits with new "flat" tax credits adjusted for age would substantially reduce their value by as much as $5,900 for an individual and would put health insurance and care out of reach for many.

Social Security benefits are a lifeline for millions of Americans, keeping them and their families out of poverty. In 2013, Social Security kept over 22 million Americans out of poverty, including over a million children (under age 18), over 6 million adults (between the ages of 18 and 64), and nearly 15 million people ages 65 and older. More than 10 million older Americans depend on Social Security for the majority of their income.

Our seniors have paid into these programs for decades and we cannot let them down. Mike will continue to be a vocal advocate for our seniors for as long as he serves in office.
