Issue Position: Jobs and Economic Development

Issue Position

Creating jobs and strong economic development go hand-in-hand. You can't have one without the other.

Having been a CEO of successful businesses, I know what it takes to create jobs and I am leading efforts in the legislature to encourage a thriving business environment.

When businesses are struggling to keep their doors open, jobs cannot be created. And when doors close, jobs go away.

We need to attract new industries to Nevada, promote start-ups and support existing businesses. We must give them the opportunity to grow. Once they do, they need a qualified workforce to hire from. It's critical we cultivate a pro-business climate to allow companies to succeed, thus creating jobs.

Small businesses are a vital part of our state's economic engine that produces most of the Jobs in Nevada. We must pass legislation that encourages all businesses in Nevada to flourish.

I know first-hand how excessive taxes and government regulations affect your businesses, or your employers business. And, eventually, your family finances.

We need someone representing us in Washington who actually understands business -- someone who has signed the front side of a paycheck. Someone who understands the crushing consequences of excessive taxes and regulations. Someone who understands that Government not only consumes your wealth -- it often impedes wealth creation.
