Issue Position: A We the People Democracy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Elections

Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and dark money have massively corrupted our "We the People" vision of our Constitution. The result is not government by and for the people, but government by and for the powerful and the privileged.

Our rigged government produces a rigged economy and tax system that continuously puts more and more money in the hands of those who already have the most, leaving millions of families struggling to make ends meet. It allows huge corporations to pollute our air and water and take advantage of their customers and workers. It helps those with power amass more and more wealth and power while sacrificing opportunity and our future.

There are 21 lobbyists for every member of Congress, over 11,000 in all, clamoring for attention and doling out favors. Billionaires and global corporations fuel SuperPACs, using the levers of power to make sure they get their way.

We must reclaim our Constitution. Put an end to gerrymandering. Overturn Citizens United and shut down the dark money. Reinstate and strengthen the Voting Rights Act to stop voter suppression and intimidation. Champion voter empowerment with required early voting periods, vote-by-mail, and same-day registration. And let's replace the unjust Electoral College with the direct election of presidents through either a constitutional amendment or National Popular Vote!
