Issue Position: Building A Stronger Middle Class

Issue Position

I am committed to giving hardworking people in our community the opportunity to succeed and achieve their dreams.

In Congress, I've been working to expand job training opportunities so that students are job-ready out of high school and fighting to reduce the cost of college so that more students can afford it. Last year, I wrote a bill to give small businesses a tax break for the cost of training new employees and I helped secure funding to retrain laid off Ashley furniture employees when their Colton facility closed and the jobs were outsourced overseas.

Earlier this year, I stood up to Republican efforts to give a massive tax cut to the wealthy while leaving middle-class families to foot the bill. My annual Inland Empire Jobs Fairs have helped over one hundred people find jobs and as our region's economy continues to recover from the Great Recession, growing the Inland Empire economy and helping workers find good-paying jobs will continue to be my top priority in Congress.
