Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Education

Investing in Public Education and the Next Generation

As someone who has attended public school in Montana and sent his three kids to public school in Montana, Mike Cooney understands the importance of public education and the responsibility of leaders to invest in our future. He is a strong champion of Montana's public education system and continually seeks innovative ways to support educators and increase funding.

Mike has a proven record of fighting for Montana's students when he fought alongside Governor Bullock for access to quality preschool, college tuition freezes, the 6-mill levy, and other initiatives that directly impact students and families all across Montana. But Mike knows there's more to be done to bring down the costs of Montana's higher education system and to expand access to learning opportunities -- from pre-K to K-12 and two-year colleges through apprenticeships.

As Governor, Mike will work with partner organizations to secure a public, voluntary, quality pre-k program across the state, ensure the 6-mill levy that funds our universities becomes permanent, and increase investments in two-year colleges, apprenticeship programs, and vocational education opportunities. He will oppose any efforts to divert public funding toward private education.
