Issue Position: Indian Country

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Fighting for Tribal Sovereignty & Economic Opportunity

Mike has the most experience of any candidate on issues related to fostering strong government-to-government relationships with Indian Country. Since serving in the state legislature and as Secretary of State, Deputy Director of the Department of Labor & Industry, and now Lt. Governor, Mike has a proven track record of working with Montana tribes to increase economic opportunity.

As Lt. Governor, Mike has held community meetings with all tribal governments and community members through the Main Street -- Rural Partners initiative, helping those leaders to create roadmaps that will address community concerns and identify solutions to economic growth. During the legislative sessions, Mike has been a partner in passing legislation to preserve Indian languages, increase opportunities to capital for native-owned businesses, and improve access to healthcare services and quality public education.

As governor, Mike will continue to ensure that tribal sovereignty is respected while continuing to invest in economic opportunities for American Indians on and off the reservations. Mike will prioritize working with Montana's federal delegation to advocate for a renewed focus on & access to Indian Health Services, investment in and expansion of tribal colleges, and improve access to voting. He'll also continue the important work started by the 2019 legislature to address the ongoing crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.
