UNITE HERE Local 23 Endorses Cal Cunningham For U.S. Senate In North Carolina


Date: Feb. 27, 2020
Location: Raleigh, NC

UNITE HERE Local 23 endorsed Cal Cunningham for U.S. Senate in North Carolina for his commitment to fighting for working families. The Local 23 Chapter's 20,000 members are active from Texas to North Carolina to Washington, D.C.

"Cal understands the barriers working people face in our current economy," said Willie Gonzalez, Secretary-Treasurer for UNITE HERE Local 23. "I know he will be a powerful voice for our members in the U.S. Senate in the fight for economic justice."

"I'm grateful for the support of UNITE HERE Local 23 in my campaign to build an economy that works for everyone, not just a select few," said Cal Cunningham. "In the Senate, I'll fight for North Carolinians to have a living wage in every community, and stand with working people to support efforts to promote good-paying full-time jobs with benefits."

Cal has built a strong coalition of support from several other labor endorsements, including the Communications Workers of America Local 3611, the Professional Fire Fighters and Paramedics of North Carolina and North Carolina State AFL-CIO.
