Issue Position: Economy & Jobs

Issue Position


In the first year of Donald Trump's Presidency and Republican control of Congress, a new tax law was signed into law to spur job growth, encourage investment, and return the United States as the best place in the world to do business. For too many years, our economy struggled to recover after the recession. While the recovery was anemic under President Obama, it is now robust. Unemployment rates are the lowest they've been in decades. Businesses all over the world are returning investments to America. This turnaround happened because of the policies put in place by Republicans; now is not the time to turn back to higher taxes and more regulation.

I support policies that will allow all of America to compete for the jobs of the 21st century and will continue to fight for a regulatory environment that encourages growth. The government should be an engine, not an anchor.

I will continue to fight to renew our economy and create better opportunity for Americans. I have worked to enact pro-growth tax reform, revitalize our manufacturing base, lower energy costs by creating good-paying energy jobs, open world markets to American products, and establish a fair and level playing field for American businesses. We must continue creating an environment that encourages growth, empowers millions of Americans to succeed, and makes it possible to hand future generations a stronger and more secure country.


Manufacturing makes up the core of a robust economy and strong middle class. In Illinois alone, it accounts for over 500,000 jobs. To build on these jobs and facilitate a manufacturing renaissance, we must make America the best place in the world to do business again. We've reformed our complicated tax structure, and rooted out burdensome and costly regulations. I believe we must continue to work towards lowering the cost of energy by expanding domestic energy production, streamlining workforce training programs, and ensuring our children are equipped with the skills needed to thrive in an ever-evolving, high-tech industry.


Opening markets for products grown or made here on American soil helps businesses' bottom lines and leads to new jobs for American workers. I have voted for numerous free-trade deals that eliminate unfair barriers on U.S. exports and allow American products to be sold around the world. In addition, I have been active to ensure our Administration is doing all it can to hold China accountable for its unfair trade policies that hurt American jobs.


We are a global leader in energy production, and we should do all we can to keep these well-paying jobs here at home. Throughout my time in Congress and on the Energy & Commerce Committee, I have made it a priority to protect and ensure certainty of domestic energy production, lower Americans' energy costs, and create more energy jobs here. This includes protecting and supporting base load energy supplied by our nuclear energy fleet. The 16th District is a model of what a true all-of-the-above energy approach looks like, and I pledge to continue working to bring this model to Washington and enact it on a national scale.


One of the top job-destroyers I hear about from Illinois business owners is our own government. Burdensome regulations, runaway debt, and widespread uncertainty coming from Washington are holding back a true American renewal. I've supported reigning in sprawling agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, enacting the structural reforms needed to tackle our debt, and making government less involved in your everyday life.


Our economic prosperity took a major hit this year with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the shelter-in-place orders that shuttered businesses across the country and pushed our unemployment numbers through the roof. I believe we can and will recover with our pro-growth policies, our ingenuity and manufacturing strength, and through the resolve and determination of the American spirit.
