Issue Position: Secure the Border

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

South Carolina's First Congressional District deserves a leader who will put the Lowcountry and America First because putting "America First" means SECURING America first.

America is the land of opportunity, welcoming immigrants -- but we are also a nation of laws, and without them, we aren't a nation at all. Ending the disregard for our rule of law and the contempt for adequate border security is critical to catching human traffickers, stemming the tide of dangerous drugs and prioritizing the well-being of American families over the needs of illegal immigrants.


I fully support securing our border.

It is vital we secure our border. It is just as vital we also build and upgrade our systems for tracking those who come and go on visas.

Our enemies have benefited from our loopholes, and immigration is first and foremost a national security issue. I will vote to fund and implement all necessary border control and visa control systems, including more agents at the border and more funds devoted to our security.

Once that is complete, we must concentrate on implementing immigration policies that help our country. We can welcome those from other countries who seek to work or start businesses. We can increase legal immigrants here on work visas to meet our needs.
