Davids Issues Support for the INVEST in America Act to fund Transformative Infrastructure Projects, Support U.S. Manufacturing, and Create Jobs

Press Release

Date: June 4, 2020

Representative Sharice Davids issued her support for the Investing in a New Vision for the Environment and Surface Transportation in America (INVEST in America) Act, introduced earlier today. The legislation would help the Kansas Third undertake transformative infrastructure projects that are smarter, safer and made to last. Davids is a member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

"The infrastructure that Kansas families rely on every day -- from our roads and bridges to our public transit -- is too often badly outdated and holding our economy back. Especially as we look to kickstart our economy in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, we must invest in our nation's infrastructure in a way that supports U.S. manufacturing and creates jobs, just as we did after the Great Depression. That's exactly what the INVEST in America Act is all about. I am proud to support this legislation, and I look forward to working with my House colleagues to move a bipartisan bill forward," said Davids.

The INVEST in America Act authorizes nearly $500 billion over five years to address some of the country's most urgent infrastructure needs, including:

Ensuring states, cities, tribes, and territories can administer programs, advance infrastructure projects, and preserve jobs in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tackling the massive backlog of roads, bridges, transit, and rail systems in need of repair and replacement, such as the Lewis and Clark Viaduct Bridge that connects Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri.
Improving made in America provisions so that we are using more American-made products and resources to rebuild our roads and drive more economic growth.
Building resilient infrastructure that will withstand the impacts of climate change and extreme weather like the flooding and tornados we've seen in Kansas.
Putting the U.S. on a path toward zero emissions from the transportation sector by prioritizing carbon pollution reduction, investing in public transit and the national passenger and freight rail network, building out fueling infrastructure for low- and zero-emission vehicles, and deploying technology and innovative materials.
Improving access to federal funding for states so they can undertake transformative projects that are smarter, safer, and made to last.
Sharply increasing funding for public transit options in urban, suburban and rural areas in order to integrate technology and increase routes and reliability, helping agencies like the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority.
