President Donald Trump Deems Houses of Worship 'Essential'


Date: May 22, 2020
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Religion

Today, President Donald Trump deemed houses of worship "essential,' and called for governors around the nation to allow houses of worship to reopen immediately. Congressman Biggs issued the following statement:

"I applaud President Trump for his unwavering support of religious freedom and the essential nature of worship in the United States. I trust that the president's statement will be the beginning of the end to the unconstitutional restrictions on houses of worship around the nation. Over the past two months, America has seen many tyrannical governors and mayors who have disregarded the First Amendment rights of houses of worship. It is refreshing to have a president and a U.S. Attorney General who have aggressively protected the First Amendment and churches around the nation.

"The past two months have been a wake-up call to all Americans. Even in the midst of a crisis, we should never again relinquish our hold on sacred constitutional rights to any jurisdiction of government."
