Senator Doug Jones Statement on U.S. Navy Decision to Award Contract for the Next-Generation Frigate

Press Release

Date: April 30, 2020
Location: Birmingham, Alabama

U.S. Senator Doug Jones, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, today issued the following statement on the news that the U.S. Navy will not award a $1.3 billion contract to Alabama-based shipbuilder Austal USA to build its next-generation guided-missile frigate, called the FFG(X):

"I am disappointed that the Navy chose not to award the contract for the next-generation guided-missile frigate to Austal USA. Austal is the only U.S. shipbuilder providing ships to the Navy on time and on budget right now. It is my understanding that this award is for the first ten of a potential 20-ship buy, and I am confident that if Austal chooses to compete for future awards, the Navy will find Austal to be the best choice.

"Just last December, Austal USA celebrated 20 years of shipbuilding in Mobile. Austal's extraordinary success is testament to its unmatched local workforce and its ability to build highly capable, cost-effective ships safely and on schedule. I especially appreciate Austal's commitment to the health and safety of its employees and the community, as well as to our national security, through the workforce protection measures it has implemented and its economic support donations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Our shipbuilders are critical to our national defense, and I am grateful for their dedication during this difficult time."
