Roe Opposes Partisan Coronavirus Response Measures


By: Phil Roe
By: Phil Roe
Date: May 15, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-Tenn.) released the following statement after voting against H.R. 6800, the HEROES Act, and H.Res. 965, a bill authorizing remote voting by proxy in the House of Representatives:

"I strongly oppose the so-called HEROES Act, which is nothing more than a $3 trillion Democrat wish list of policy priorities that have nothing to do with the coronavirus that we all know will never become law. Bipartisanship on coronavirus relief is possible: Congress has already passed four overwhelmingly bipartisan packages, and I proudly supported those bills. Our country is in crisis, and it is simply abhorrent that House Democrats are making zero effort to negotiate on additional relief and instead have chosen to vote on their partisan wish list. There are several provisions in this package that make it worth voting against by themselves, but one in particular -- extending the $600 bonus payment for unemployment through January of 2021 -- are so egregious they threaten to destroy the American economy. This provision will ensure some workers do everything in their power to remain unemployed. In East Tennessee, this bonus allows some workers to make nearly $50,000 a year -- much more than their annual salary at their jobs.

"I also oppose the proxy voting resolution. Union leaders have long sought card check for union elections, denying rank-and-file workers the right to a secret ballot. This proposal is card check for Congress. Now, Democratic leadership can threaten rank-and-file members to give up their vote and Speaker Pelosi will be able to run the House with as few as 25 members present on the majority side. For more than 200 years -- through pandemics, world wars, terrorist attacks, and other catastrophes-- the House of Representatives has found a way to fulfill its duties under the constitution. It is shameful that we are considering abandoning that now. As a doctor, I fully appreciate the seriousness of the current crisis and the need to take extraordinary steps to protect public health. But, every day, millions of our fellow citizens are showing us that it is possible to safely carry on and make sure that essential needs are met. They deserve elected leaders that display that same spirit of courage and innovation, not ones who hide behind computer screens."
