Jaime Herrera Beutler Statement on House Passage of $3 Trillion Spending Bill


Date: May 15, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler issued the following statement following her "no" vote on Speaker Pelosi's $3 trillion spending bill:

"Americans deserve better than this funding package that inexplicably contains no new funding for the Paycheck Protection Program currently keeping small businesses and their employees above water, raises taxes on these small businesses, releases violent felons from prison and gives multi-billion dollar bailouts to cities like Chicago that had been mismanaging their budgets years before COVID-19. At $3 trillion, this is the most expensive bill to ever pass the House, and even though it contained provisions I've championed like Paycheck Protection Program flexibility and aid to small and medium sized cities, the overall bill was stuffed with too many misguided priorities and wish list items unrelated to COVID-19 to earn my support.

"The Senate has already said this proposal is dead on arrival, and members of Speaker Pelosi's caucus have dismissed it as nothing more than a messaging bill. Congress needs to get serious and take bipartisan action to ensure local municipalities don't have to disrupt police, fire and other basic services, and make improvements to small business grants."
